Vivirás la profunda utilidad de nuestra tradición de MEDICINA VERDE al:
identificar y conocer docenas de plantas, sus propiedades y maneras de usarlas,
estudiar léxico clave para poder interpretar literatura científica sobre nuestras plantas,
confeccionar tisanas, infusiones, jarabes, aceites botánicos, decocciones, cataplasmas, jugos verdes, tinturas en alcohol, horchatas, condimentos medicinales, antisépticos de manos, delicias anti-virales, gargantillas y pulseras anti-inflamatorias, súper alimentos silvestres y más,
crear tu propio libro de referencia basado en las fotos que saques antes y después de cada clase,
explorar los rasgos culturales y ecológicos de esta singular tradición antillana,
participar del alegre proceso de re-valorar y rescatar conocimientos ancestrales.
DURACIÓN: 5 talleres participativas, de 1 a 6 PM; fechas a anunciarse
LUGAR: la GLORIETA de BotaniCultura en Aguas Buenas.
INVERSIÓN: $300 a $500 según ingreso. Costo incluye literatura y materiales.
Los participantes con asistencia perfecta y buen aprovechamiento reciben un certificado.

Benedetti ofrece varias conferencias ilustradas y dinámicas para un salón o bajo el cielo abierto sobre temas de etnobotánica y farmacia boricua. Disponibles para todos los públicos, a un número ilimitado de personas. Participantes aprenderán sobre el legado de plantas súper-nutritivas y medicinales que han aportado a nuestra supervivencia y sustento durante siglos. Un sabroso caldo u otra bebida botánica será parte de la presentación. Libros a la venta.

Live-in, intensive apprenticeship for Boricuas of the diaspora
During a period of three to four months, students of Wise, Green Medicine, Boricua Style have an opportunity to do an in-depth study of the Puerto Rican tradition of herbal medicine with preparatory experiences in their own homes and later a full week of hands-on experience at María Benedetti’s home (Cayey) and work space (Aguas Buenas) in Puerto Rico. This correspondence and residential course will involve careful reading of Benedetti’s own seminal texts as well as the works of three out of four of her teachers: Susun S. Weed (Wise Woman Tradition), Elliot Cowan (Plant Spirit Medicine), Anne Marie Colbin (Food and Healing) and Richard Grossinger (Planet Medicine).
Background reading and frequent, lively exchanges with Benedetti will enable the student to understand specific remedies and the tradition’s place in cultural, environmental, historical and current global contexts, identify over 100 traditional healing plants of Puerto Rico and live and work with María Benedetti in order to create a personalized visual reference of the plants while preparing and enjoying wild super foods, decoctions (teas and nourishing broths), tisanes, infusions, botanical oils, salves, sanitizers, liniments, nutritional vinegars, tinctures in alcohol, poultices and more.
Benedetti will also offer several activities steeped in her animistic approach to the natural world including a meditation designed to offer a direct experience of communication with the spirit of a plant. Studies of technical vocabulary will allow for subsequent research.
Study modules include (but are not limited to):
conceptual analysis of the Puerto Rican tradition of Caribbean green medicine including philosophical and cultural references
specific plants, practices and attitudes characterizing the Puerto Rican tradition as evidenced in oral history and surviving practices (includes spiritual and holistic aspects of the tradition)
deep analysis in concepts of healing (Colbin, Cowan, Grossinger, Weed)
technical vocabulary and corresponding plants of the Puerto Rican tradition (includes recommended uses, built-in concepts of safety, etc.)
plant identification (photos or pressing) and references: local names, scientific names, English names, botanical family, place of origin
hands-on preparations
one-on-one enquiry and dialogue
This course is designed especially for people of Puerto Rican ancestry living outside of the archipelago but can be adjusted for others.

Walk through any neighborhood or at our learning center. Remember and honor ancestral wisdom about our weeds, bushes and trees.
Enjoy an ethnobotanical interpretation of plants growing in any neighborhood of Puerto Rico, including inner city settings. Our walk will include information about traditional uses of each plant and the making of respectful offerings. We will observe, touch, listen, smell, taste and sing!

participative sculpture project
The 7-circuit labyrinth of beneficial intent has been created around the world for more than 5,000 years. Benedetti will facilitate the creation of this mandala at your home, church, cultural center or healing spa. We suggest that this project include preparatory workshops in order to include a community of like-minded souls.

Introducción a nuestra tradición de medicina botánica
Un taller interactivo de 4 horas con María Benedetti, autora y educadora etnobotánica
¡Viviremos la tradición!
Usaremos variedad de plantas culinarias y medicinales para confeccionar remedios preventivos y curativos que combaten catarro, gripe y herpes.
Abordaremos medidas curativas para el dengue, la chikungunya, la zika y otros virus transmitidos por los mosquitos.
Reconoceremos el valor medicinal de 30 plantas antivirales de nuestras tradiciones culinarias y medicinales.
Comenzaremos a descifrar el lenguaje de las plantas para discernir cómo mejor preparar nuestros teses.
Prepararemos un jarabe de sábila, un sabroso molido (mojito) y un pesto divino para combatir los virus.
Fortificaremos un alcoholado y haremos un antiséptico de manos a base de malagueta.
Conoceremos por fin los famosos tapones de ajo.
Disfrutaremos de maniluvios verdes y respiraremos para soltar y recibir.
Los participantes se llevarán una planta o un remedio tradicional.

ETNOBOTÁNICA FORESTAL: árboles nuestros como base de la sustentabilidad
Ponte al día sobre las aportaciones y los servicios prestados por 15 árboles nativos. Esta amena conferencia ilustrada nos ayuda a visualizar un Puerto Rico verdaderamente sustentable con datos de vital importancia sobre el achiote, el almácigo, el algarrobo, la ceiba, el guayabo, la jagua, el mamey, la moca, el tabonuco y otros. ¡Habrá maniluvios!

Exploraremos los árboles y yerbas que representan nuestras raíces indígenas, africanas y europeas. Los reconoceremos; aprenderemos sobre cómo han aportado a nuestra supervivencia durante generaciones. Los utilizaremos con respeto. Nos bendecirán. Este taller incluye prâcticas participativas de nuestras tres raîces botånicas.

escultura participativa
El Mandala Caminable (un laberinto de un solo camino) es una obra de arte participativa que invita a los visitantes a caminar . . . y así fortalecer sus intenciones para la salud y la sanación de nuestro pueblo y nuestra tierra borincana.
Construida de piedras blancas en un espacio mínimo de 30 pies por 30 pies, la forma física del mandala propuesto (laberinto de un solo camino) es un patrón plasmado en petroglifos desde la isla antillana de Dominica y América Central hasta Australia, Noruega e Irlanda. Los procesos de construir y caminarlo promueven el bienestar y activan nuestra intenciones sanadoras.
Elaboramos este mandala en patios, parques, escuelas, iglesias, centros comunitarios, spas holísticos, hoteles y otros lugares. Sugerimos que este proyecto incluya talleres diseñados para educar e integrar a una comunidad de personas afines.

Como parte del programa de la Universidad Metropolitana y el Centro de Estudios para el Desarrollo Sustentable (Certificación en Agricultura Urbana Agroecológica), ofrecemos un curso de 12 horas en Plantas Medicinales del Entorno Urbano. Para más información, comunicarse con Jennifer Cruz Marrero (jecruz@suagm.edu). Fotos por Leticia Ramírez

for Boricuas living in the diáspora
During a period of three to four months, students of this intensive course have an opportunity to do an in-depth study of the Puerto Rican tradition of herbal medicine with preparatory experiences in their own homes and later a full week of hands-on experience at María Benedetti’s home (Cayey) and work space (Aguas Buenas) in Puerto Rico. This correspondence and residential course will involve careful reading of Benedetti’s own seminal texts as well as the works of three out of four of her teachers Susun S. Weed (Wise Woman Tradition), Elliot Cowan (Plant Spirit Medicine), Anne Marie Colbin (Food and Healing) and Richard Grossinger (Planet Medicine).
Background reading and frequent, lively exchanges with Benedetti will enable the student to understand specific remedies and the tradition’s place in cultural, environmental, historical and current global contexts, identify over 100 traditional healing plants of Puerto Rico and live and work with María Benedetti in order to create a personalized visual reference of the plants while preparing and enjoying wild super foods, decoctions (teas and nourishing broths), tisanes, infusions, botanical oils, salves, sanitizers, liniments, nutritional fortified vinegars, tinctures in alcohol, poultices and more.
Benedetti will also offer several activities steeped in her animistic approach to the natural world including a meditation designed to offer a direct experience of communication with the spirit of a plant. Studies of technical vocabulary will allow for subsequent research.
Study modules include (but are not limited to):
conceptual analysis of the Puerto Rican tradition of Caribbean green medicine including philosophical and cultural references
specific plants, practices and attitudes characterizing the Puerto Rican tradition as evidenced in oral history and surviving practices (includes spiritual and holistic aspects of the tradition)
deep analysis in concepts of healing ( Colbin, Grossinger, Weed, Cowan)
technical vocabulary and corresponding plants of the Puerto Rican tradition (includes recommended uses, built-in concepts of safety, etc.)
plant identification (photos or pressing) and references: local names, scientific names, English names, botanical family, place of origin
hands-on preparations
one-on-one enquiry and dialogue
This course is designed especially for people of Puerto Rican ancestry living outside of the archipelago but can be adjusted for others. Being somewhat bilingual is extremely helpful but not required.